Get ready for the 2023 NFT World Cup — with FGL!
You read that right. There’s an NFT World Cup taking place this September. Partially as a first of its kind real-life event in Lugano, Switzerland, but you can also join in on the action online!
Organised by, the NFT World Cup is a real-time battle between 3D animated NFT characters out of various competing collections.
Next to an exciting sponsor lineup of Polygon, DappRadar and our friends at Taco, one of FGL’s Outlaw Trooper NFT’s will join the ring! Which trooper? We will let our community decide! Voting for your favorite Outlaw Troopers character will start on Monday July 24th through our Discord server.
So how does it work? The Intraverse team will transform the chosen Outlaw Trooper NFT and the NFT’s of over 30 other projects into 3D animated models that can fight eachother in the boxing ring. And YOU can help by joining the platform, picking the project you fight for (if you’re a holder of that NFt project you get 4x the points!) and join into the combat, Streetfighter-style! Play and defend the honor of your community AND compete for the 16+ ETH prize pot!
Want to join in on the action? Check out The event is held from August 27th to September 10th 2023.